
Similarity - a short film -


あらすじ / Synopsis



  Tanaka, the designer behind a picture used in a famous advertising campaign, is being interviewed for a TV program. Yet when his boss discovers that Tanaka’s college friend Yusaku created a similar work, suspicion of plagiarism arises. Tanaka goes over to Yusaku's apartment to set things straight, unaware that an another person is waiting for him.

監督のコメント / Director's Statement





   After many years of producing advertising videos, I had become impatient and frustrated, deprived of creativity and time, and unable to make the films I truly wanted to create. It was at that moment when the Covid-19 pandemic came along and gave me the time to face my frustration head on.

  This film production began as a means of eliminating my frustration, so to speak, but it also became an opportunity for me to explore what frustration means to people, what kinds of feelings and actions it evokes, and how to come to terms with it. The film depicts both the plagiarizer and the plagiarized, and focuses not on right and wrong, but on that underlying feeling of “frustration.”

  The script was developed on this theme over the course of a year with a co-writer, and brought together a group of creators full of frustration and creativity who share a common struggle in the field of filmmaking. We were also lucky enough to meet 11 unique actors and actresses, and their characters, each struggling to fulfill his or her own desires, were successfully brought to life in front of the camera. Indeed, the production of this film did far more for me than merely eliminating the frustration had I had felt, and I am eagerly awaiting the next one.

25 min. / 2048 x 1080 (2K) / Stereo / DCP


Ⓒ2021 Filmheads